Clinical Indications: Partially Edentulous
The advantages of Navident EVO extend well beyond single implant cases to more complex, partially edentulous scenarios. This advanced technology is designed to be precise, efficient, and versatile, enhancing precision, reducing complications, and improving patient interactions and treatment outcomes.

In partially edentulous cases, Navident EVO's ability to significantly reduce the risk of complications is a standout benefit. These cases often involve intricate anatomical considerations, such as proximity to vital structures like nerves and sinuses, varying bone densities, and the need for precise positioning of multiple implants. Navident EVO provides real-time, computer-assisted guidance, ensuring each implant is placed with exceptional precision. This minimizes the likelihood of damaging critical structures and ensures that implants are optimally positioned to support complex prosthetic solutions.

Navident EVO's versatility is another major advantage. It is compatible with both small and larger field-of-view (FOV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, and it accommodates any implant brand or type. This adaptability makes Navident EVO suitable for a wide range of clinical scenarios, enhancing its utility across different implant treatments.

Additionally, Navident EVO can play a pivotal role during treatment discussions with patients. The visual and detailed representation of the surgical plan provided by the system helps clinicians clearly communicate the benefits and details of the proposed treatment. This transparency enhances patient understanding and trust, ultimately improving case acceptance and ensuring that patients are fully informed and confident in their treatment choices.

By being precise, efficient, and versatile, Navident EVO supports clinicians in delivering consistently high-quality care for both simple and complex cases. Embracing this technology streamlines workflows, reduces complications, and elevates the standard of a dental implantology practice.

Dr. Eva Besson Neyrand recognized the need for flexibility in partially edentulous cases. Navident EVO allows her to adapt her plans seamlessly as she works, ensuring precise implant placement even when the situation demands quick changes. Using Navident EVO, Dr. Neyrand is achieving consistent, successful outcomes that otherwise could be challenging. For any implantologist,the ability to make on-the-fly adjustments can be the key to mastering the art of implantology.

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