Clinical Indications: Fully Edentulous
When addressing fully edentulous cases, Navident EVO stands out as a game-changing technology, bringing unparalleled precision, efficiency, and versatility to implant placement. This advanced navigation system offers unique advantages that enhance surgical outcomes and streamline treatment processes for patients with complete tooth loss.

In fully edentulous cases, accurate implant placement is crucial for achieving functional and aesthetic results. Navident EVO excels in this regard by providing real-time, computer-assisted guidance that ensures each implant is positioned with exceptional accuracy. This precision is vital in fully edentulous scenarios where the correct alignment and angulation of implants are essential for creating a stable foundation for prosthetic restorations. Navident EVO’s advanced technology minimizes the risk of errors and enhances the predictability of outcomes, resulting in a more reliable and successful implant-supported prosthesis.

The efficiency of Navident EVO is another significant benefit. By streamlining the implant placement process, this system helps reduce the overall time required for treatment. The embedded photogrammetry feature allows to digitally scan placed implant positions  with high accuracy means no prosthetic adjustments are needed, leading to a more efficient procedure and reducing the number of patient visits. This not only benefits the clinician but also improves the overall patient experience by shortening the treatment timeline.

Additionally, Navident EVO’s 360-degree handpiece tracker is always visible to the navigation camera, ensuring uninterrupted tracking accuracy. The motorized navigation camera further improves ease of use, particularly during larger and more complex cases. This feature enhances the system’s functionality, making it easier to manage extensive procedures and ensuring consistent precision throughout the treatment.

Navident EVO’s ability to deliver precision, efficiency, and versatility makes it an invaluable tool for managing fully edentulous cases. By enhancing accuracy, streamlining procedures, and improving patient communication, Navident EVO supports clinicians in providing high-quality care and achieving successful outcomes in even the most challenging implant scenarios.

> Case Study: Immediate Load Full Arch Treatment Using Dynamic Navigation for Pterygoid Implants

In a recent case study, Dr. Aly Virani demonstrated the value of utilizing innovative techniques and tools in full arch restorations. By incorporating the Navident Evo dynamic navigation system into his workflow, he was able to enhance the accuracy of implant placements, ensuring that each implant was positioned optimally for stability and aesthetics. This technology provided real-time guidance, allowing him to adapt to the specific anatomical features of each patient and improve the overall treatment outcome.

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