Clinical Indications: Microsurgery
In endodontic microsurgery, where precision and meticulous care are crucial, Navident EVO offers transformative advantages by providing precise, efficient, and adaptable support. This advanced navigation system significantly enhances the effectiveness and success rates of complex endodontic procedures.

Endodontic microsurgery, such as apicoectomies and root tip resections, requires exceptional accuracy to navigate and treat delicate anatomical structures. Navident EVO excels by offering real-time, computer-assisted guidance that ensures unparalleled precision. This accuracy is crucial for managing microsurgical sites, reducing the risk of damage to surrounding tissues, and improving the outcomes of root-end resections and other delicate tasks.

One of the standout features of Navident EVO is its ability to guide a piezotome during surgery,  benefitting from Navident EVO’s navigation system to ensure precise and controlled cuts. This integration enhances the ability to perform intricate procedures with greater accuracy, making it easier to navigate challenging anatomical areas and achieve optimal results.

Efficiency is another significant benefit of using Navident EVO. The system streamlines the surgical process by providing detailed visual guidance, which reduces the time spent locating and treating specific areas. This increased efficiency not only speeds up the procedure but also minimizes the risk of complications, leading to a more effective and less invasive treatment experience for the patient.

Navident EVO’s versatility is also crucial in endodontic microsurgery. The system is compatible with various imaging modalities, including both small and large field-of-view (FOV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. This flexibility allows clinicians to use high-quality, detailed images to guide their microsurgical procedures, regardless of the specific imaging equipment available. The system supports a range of microsurgical techniques and procedures, making it an essential tool for addressing diverse endodontic challenges.

By providing precise, efficient, and versatile support, and by guiding tools like the piezotome, Navident EVO significantly elevates the quality of endodontic microsurgery. The system’s advanced guidance technology helps clinicians achieve superior outcomes, streamline procedures, and improve patient satisfaction, setting a new standard of care in endodontic treatment.

Dr. Athanasios Fasoulas exemplifies the mastery required in this field. By integrating dynamic navigation into microsurgery, practitioners like Dr. Fasoulas can enhance their ability to use multiple instruments effectively, bridging the gap between a good result and a truly exceptional one.

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